Daniel 2

King Nebuchadnezzar II was a powerful, irrational and highly emotional king.  The book of Daniel chapter 2 records his frustration over a troublesome dream he had. He doesn’t remember his dream and is determined to know what it means. His fortunetellers, magicians, and enchanters are brought in for this task. Their responses recorded in versesContinueContinue reading “Daniel 2”

Selah Art goes to Manila!!

Earlier this year I was invited to attend a Global Workplace conference in Manila. I was given the opportunity to share a little about Selah Art and Art Responses. As you may already know Selah Art is the meditative line of Art Responses. Here are some pictures of a presentation to people representing 7 differentContinueContinue reading “Selah Art goes to Manila!!”

Journey with Jesus – Forgiven!

In ancient Israel it was customary for the guests of the house to provide water to wash the feet of those who enter. Walking on dusty roads with open sandals people carried a lot of dirt and dust on their feet. The hosts were permitted to add a drop of perfume to this water ofContinueContinue reading “Journey with Jesus – Forgiven!”

Journey with Jesus (Ash Wednesday)

The Christian Calendar is a wonderful way to nourish the soul. Those chosen days help set apart concentrated time with our Creator. It brings to the forefront the acts of amazing grace. We are coming to the culmination of one such period of concentrated remembrances with its highlight on Easter/ Christ’s resurrection. Journey with JesusContinueContinue reading “Journey with Jesus (Ash Wednesday)”

Compassion preceeds provision

pondering over the story of the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Here Jesus was talking and telling stories to a huge bunch of people. Stories about the art of living and true life. The time flew by and it was time for a meal. So Jesus looks at all these people just waitingContinueContinue reading “Compassion preceeds provision”

Earth Day

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.     The world and all its people belong to him. For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas     and built it on the ocean depths. Psalm 24 : 1-2 (NLT) Every year since 1970 April 22nd has been marked as a day to focus on environmental issues. Why? because theContinueContinue reading “Earth Day”


Epiphany! Today is the day we celebrate the arrival of the wise men before Jesus, the king. This year I had the privilege of chatting with an astrophysicist. It was awesome.We talked through some astronomical terms in lay terms 😉 Like parallax shift, retrograde motion, stationary stars, the rising of the stars, etc. There isContinueContinue reading “Epiphany”

Hold out your light

Light dispels darkness. So hold out your light and show the way. “We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way. Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance. Where there is patience and humility there isContinueContinue reading “Hold out your light”

Selah Gallery

You are the light of the world

You are the Light of the world. The following are the verses that inspired and informed this visual.My(your) lamp which you will see in the mid lower section of the visual represents my(your) light which is basically shining Bright because of the Holy Spirit (the 3 paisleys -sign of life) and whatever way we shineContinueContinue reading “You are the light of the world”